Post Job Interview Thank You Note: Yes or No?

I’ve been a LinkedIn user for a very long time, but mostly as a place to build out my professional profile, connect with people I’ve met through work, as well as for things like hiring and exploring new opportunities.

I never got into posting or consuming much content on there, even though it seems many now find it to be a great place to share content and interact with the people they’re connected to.

Interestingly enough though, every time I go to LinkedIn, and think of checking out some of the content people are sharing, I’ll come across some version of the following idea being posted by someone, with a ton of comments on it.

If a candidate doesn’t take the time to send a thank you note to the interviewer after a job interview, they won’t hire them and will dismiss their candidacy!

It always surprises me how many people hold the above opinion, and how many people agree with them.
What surprises me even more is that people apply this very generally to all kinds of positions and scenarios.

I never took the time to respond to any of these posts on LinkedIn, but it’s always been something that nagged at me and annoyed me, as I couldn’t disagree more with this generic rule.

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