I’m A Father…

Adam & MeLast night I witnessed a miracle…
The miracle of life…
And what a miracle it was…

Last night, Monday 28/08/2006 at exactly 9:35PM, in Clinique Avicenne – El Manar, my lovely amazing wife gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy…

The birth experience was so incredibly overwhelming for both of us; how we both felt when the baby was born and we got to see him for the very first time is a feeling that no words can describe and no other thing in life can duplicate; a feeling that can only be shared by people who have gone through the same experience…
It’s just out of this world…

The name we chose for our baby boy is “Adam”…
Why this name in particular? For many reasons, among them the fact that it’s one of the very few names that exist in almost every language and are pretty much pronounced the same wherever you go; it’s also a reference to “Adam”, the first man God created, which we found very suiting for our first child; it’s also mainly because we both loved the name and because it fitted the baby so well…

How do I feel?
I’m overwhelmed, flying, floating above the clouds, happy, overjoyed, proud, overprotective, confused, vulnerable, afraid, responsible, confident, strong, and a list of mixed incredible feelings that I’m still sorting out in my head, but above all I feel touched and changed, I know I’ll never be the same person again.
My priorities in life shifted the instant I laid eyes on my baby son; nothing in this world is dearer to my heart or more important than him and my little family…
The love I have for this baby and for his mother could fill up the heavens above…

I’m a father…
And if there is one thing that I am absolutely sure of is that I’ll be doing the possible and the impossible to be the best father ever for my baby son…

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

64 thoughts on “I’m A Father…”

  1. congratulations
    im also flying above the clouds ,happy ,proud
    wow my dearest sister had a baby boy
    cant wait to see this angle (baby adam)
    alf mabrouk marwen ,me ahmad are so happy for you

  2. Welcome Adam! And congratulations and very best wishes to your good parents. (Make sure they get you a very good computer real soon.)

  3. Dear Subzero blue…
    you don’t that i call you this way right?


    You’re a father! your life has changed forever…i don’t know what it is to be a father…And actually i’ll never know (i’m a girl!) but i know that’s it’s a terrific moment full of strong emotions to first see your first child…

    i wish you all the very best to your little family and i hope the mother is fine…

    i talked lately on my blog about how to chose a baby’s name..Well you made a good choice…again Congratulations!

  4. بارك الله لك في الموهوب لك، وشكرت الواهب، وبلغ أشده، ورُزِقت بِرَّه

    Abu Adam! First of all, Alhamdullih 3ala salamet Eman and Adam.

    I am very happy for you, it was really touching seeing you holding poor helpless Adam. It is weird, because yesterday a friend of mine was telling me he would like to name his baby boy Adam.

    My best wishes to you, Eman, Adam, his grand parents, all of his uncles and all of his aunts!

    Looking forward to meeting you all next year inshallah.

  5. ALhamdolilah 3ala salamet Eman, ow 1000 mabrook ya abu ow ya um Adam πŸ™‚

    Welcome to the world little Adam πŸ˜€

  6. Congratulations Marouwen. Now you have a new reponsability, a very big one… U should to tell him avoiding girls named Eve otherwise :s … Also never tell him that apple is a bad fruit :p

    100…000 Mabrouk I’m so happy to see u as father for first time it’s amazing πŸ™‚

  7. Congratulations, I got goose bumps reading your post. Kids change your life and make you rethink things and lets you relive stuff too. I wish you both well, enjoy.

  8. I’m so happy for both of you! Mbarak ma 2ijekon!(I trust if it were a girl, you’d call her Eve?) πŸ˜‰

  9. Congratulations!
    May he grow up to be a source of happiness and pride to you and to all people around him!

  10. Alf mabrook, inshallah yetrabba b 3ezzkom. My newborn nephew is also called Adam, it is a beautiful name. Say hello to Eman and I wish you and the family, the best of luck.

  11. wawwwwwwww mabrouk mabrouk nchallah yetrabba fi 3izzkom :)hope Emane is fine don’t let her move too much! I don’t know u but..I’m happy for u πŸ˜€

  12. Congratulations Marwan, sounds like a thrilling experience. May the newborn bring you both more happiness, joy and prosperity.

    أرجو من الله أن يكبر آدم في عزكما


    to you and to your wife, you’ll have a lot of work to d o now πŸ™‚ ,god helps you !!
    but babies as they say are the world’s biggest joy, so enjoy your fatherhood, and god bless your family.


  14. Mabrook, mabrook πŸ™‚ I’m so happy for you guys!
    Ilhamdella 3a salamet both mother and son. Send my love and congrats to Eman.

  15. 37 postings to date from well-wishers?! I’m not a hermit, yet I don’t know 36 people.

    You are truly blessed.

  16. a5 Marwan..

    Allah y6ra7 fee elbarakah..o ynawer 7ayatkom ebwejoodeh..

    Adam.. Welcome to the world.. hold on tight.. have tremendous faith.. and may you be blessed all the way! Have a good life.. spend it the right way.. 3amer-ha.

  17. You’ve got me in tears!

    Alf alf mabrook – be prepared for the most unexpected joy you will ever feel in your life!

    Hope Eman is doing well and she and baby Adam are in the best of health..

    Al hamdulilah ! Yetrabba be 3ezkom !

  18. Congratulations! Boy, are you guys in for a ride. haha! And you’ll love every second of it.

  19. Congratulations a beautiful name a most blessed event indeed. You will make a wonderful father.

  20. CONGRATULATIONS !!! AAAAH !!!Sorry i came in at number 40 something! I wanted to be the 1st to say CONGRATULATIONS !!!
    Best of greetings to Iman … I’ll try to call you as soon as i can …
    Yahoooo !!!

  21. Oh! I arrived too late πŸ™‚
    Mabrouuuuuuuuk πŸ™‚
    Wish you all three all the best πŸ˜€
    and Adam is a beautiful name πŸ˜‰

  22. WOW Abu Adam!

    Mabrouk mabrouk we hamdellah 3assalama!

    I am so happy for you guys. I know excately what you mean or rather I know what Um Adam must have felt and is feeling. It’s such a joy and a challenge :-)!

    Best of whishes for the new born and his family.

    Please post some more pictures and pass on my wishes to Um Adam (such a beautiful name!)

    P.S. Aren’t babies from Tunisian-Jordanian mix so precious? πŸ™‚

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