Tunisian Blogger Meetup 4 on July 29th

After yesterday’s post, it seems more people are for having a meetup this Friday than next Saturday.

Again, I know this is on a very short notice, and I hate that. I know some of you won’t be able to come, and I hate that even more. I’m really sorry.

We’ll be having this meetup on Friday, July 29th at 7PM in Biwa (Les Berges du Lac) (More Details), and right after it I think we should start organizing for the next meetup to be sometime in the middle of August.
This way these 2 summer meetups are close and whoever can’t make it to one can make it to the other 🙂

Adib is suggesting we have a meetup in Kelibia soon, which I think is a really cool idea. Anyway, I know that not all bloggers have cars, so if you guys are interested we can try and organize it so that we can meet in one place and then all go together in the available cars.
We’ll talk about this more in this Friday’s meetup and when organizing the next one.

Another suggestion I have is to set a certain day in the month to be the default meetup date, so that it’s known in advance when the meetup will be and we don’t have to go through this whole date choosing thing time and again. For example, something like the 4th Sunday of the month at 7PM.
What do you guys think?

Anyway, as this meetup is on really short notice, I’d truly appreciate it if you could help promote it through your blogs, through telling the bloggers you know directly, or anyway that you can.

Thank you all. I can’t wait to see you all this Friday 🙂

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.