Things I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up

The most common of childhood questions must definitely be: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”.
We all had certain things we wished to be but ended up not being, and some of us still have some of these dreams.

Well, here are the main things I wanted to be growing up. And as I’m still in the process of getting older, some of these things are recent ones πŸ˜‰

Pilot: I always loved air travel and still do. And for years and years I dreamt of becoming a pilot.
The Freedom, the flying, the travel, the beauty of it all. It’s a dream I’ll always cherish dearly.

Actor: In my childhood, I loved acting. I was always in all the school plays and stuff. I actually was pretty good. Anyway, I grew out of it by teenagehood. Just kept the needed talent to be a good liar.

Singer: With acting behind my back, my next obsession was with becoming a singer. My room witnessed many a concert by me. I actually think I have a good voice, but then again who doesn’t think that about themselves.

Genetics Scientist: Studied Genetics in Biology class at school, loved it and was really good at it. Anyway, sometimes I think it’s better I didn’t go on with it or else some really weird creatures would be walking this earth by now πŸ˜›

Doctor: After watching a bit too many E.R. episodes, I started thinking of becoming a doctor, but quickly changed my mind. Plus my mom was afraid I’d turn into some sort of Dr. Frankenstein 2.

Programmer: So, being someone who really enjoys computers and computer games. I was like, yeah this must be cool. Unfortunately I was wrong. Now I’m stuck with it for life.

IT Consultant: If I get to think up the right solution and then let some other poor souls do the shitty work, that would be really cool.

Photographer: I love photography, but that’s one thing and making it my job is another as I’m not too sure it’s the best job to put food on the table, unless I get into pornography that is. So hobby status is enough for it.

Self-employed: My ultimate dream. Oh, that would be just perfect!
(And I float into another one of my hallucinations with that same smile on my face.)

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

5 thoughts on “Things I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up”

  1. That was interesting to know & fun to read:)
    Thanks MMM
    i wanted to be a serial killer:D:Dj/k!!

  2. Hmmm, well you had to mention that and remind me of my darker dreams, lol.

    Well, I also wanted to become a spy and a professional assassin.

    Serial killing is just a hobby for me πŸ˜›

  3. Can you believe I never wanted to be any of these things as a kid?
    Well, maybe a doctor, and I probably would have seriously considered
    it if I wasn’t a lazy git incapable of concentrating for more than 10
    I do know though, that ever since I was very young, I wanted to be an
    artist or a designer. My best friend at that point(we’re talking
    preschool days) also wanted to be a designer, and we’d spend hours
    drawing stuff for our barbies and making them houses and clothes. That
    girl is also studying design right now.
    At some points in my life, I wanted to be an author or a journalist,
    but those dreams have since gone down the drain.
    Currently, I’m hoping I’ll finish my design degree soon and then go
    back to school to study painting or photography.

  4. It’s great that you’re living your dream and making it come true. Not so many people are that lucky πŸ™‚

    I’m happy for you πŸ™‚ Good luck πŸ™‚

  5. roba don’t feel bad at all… you can’t compare to a child i wanted to work in a toll booth in a journalist like the mom in “growing pains” then i wanted to be a nurse..i’m engaged to be married and still didnt finish school..i’m afraid my dreams will go down the gutter..although i’m going to try my best to finish my education..

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