Islamophobic Awards 2004

Designed to name and shame the best or worst anti-Muslims in Britain and beyond, the second annual Islamophobic awards ceremony took place in London last Saturday evening.

The awards were handed out at the Islamic Centre for England, in West London – although not surprisingly, none of the winners stepped up to receive them.

Here are the winners:

  • Most Islamophobic British politician: British National Party leader Nick Griffin
    This was most notably due to his “Muslim or free/fair/democratic – but not both” round of speeches during the recent UK local elections.
  • Most Islamophobic International Politician: Ariel Sharon and Jacques Chirac shared this award.
  • Islamophobe of the year: George Bush.
  • Islamophobic media award: The Telegraph newspaper
  • Islamophobic Media Personality: Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee.

[Source: Al Jazeera]

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

3 thoughts on “Islamophobic Awards 2004”

  1. i cannot belive that even though we are living in a multi-cultural society and world, that there are awards for hating the muslim race. it brings back anti-semitic attitudes during world war two. it is absolutely despicable. i am so outraged that such a thing is happening. you should all be ashamed. what does one get out such haterd? a metal statue, is that all.

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