Amr Khaled

I’ve heard a lot about the Islamic preacher Amr Khaled over the past couple of years. And I’ve known or seen a lot of people who were really touched by him. From women who have started praying and wearing the Hijab (Muslim Head Scarf) to men who have started praying and stopped their bad habits.

Even though I heard a lot of talk about him and about what he has to say and how he says it, I never really got to catch him on TV and see the show he hosts on the Iqraa channel. Not until this past week.

The first thing that struck me was how nice the guy is and how smoothly he talks. He’s nothing like other preachers who frighten people and tell them that this or that is the right thing to do or else God will punish them. In fact what he does is the complete opposite, he talks to people in a very friendly manner and explains everything in detail; showing the good sides of things and making it more a matter of the people wanting to do certain things than having to do them.

The show I saw him in is called “Life Makers”, in which he talks about Islamic values and principles, how they can help in life, their benefits, goals and reasons behind them.

I truly enjoyed the couple of episodes I saw because I like the way he presents things and the fact that he really knows what he’s talking about inside out.

Another thing I like is that he presents Islam as it truly is, a religion of peace, high values and strong principles.
He’s no radical or fundamentalist, he’s extremely moderate and what every muslim should naturally be.

For anyone who’s interested, the show is aired on Iqraa channel, both on Hotbird and on Nilesat.
Iqraa on Nilesat also provide English subtitles.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

110 thoughts on “Amr Khaled”

  1. I wrote some topics about the stories in Quraan witch i think i is to the behave of Islam,
    and I want to send it to Amer khaled to know his opion about
    can you help me

  2. haloe,my name is touzanine mohammed,24years, from morocco,i don’t speak english very well, so , you will get an effort to understund this message,i don’t readed the subject discussed in this forum but in general i think that we must get an effort for to geting up this (oummate al islame) and you will do it Mr professor Amr khaled, and i know that you will win in resolving what we live in problemes and all people and everyone of our muslim population all over the world.
    sheet, we have all what we want we live in the most percious parts of the world, we have petrol we have metals (gold,…etc.) we have brains that could easly to manage this world,our language is the most difficult language to learn, we speak it easly, we have what els, muslims are of personnes, and we are (Nouktate al 3asere) we are the joke of the era, that very funny, hha,people get up from your dreams, we are the gouvernes of the world, get up, get up, get up.
    thank you, to everyone and to our phd Mr amr khaled, thank you.
    touzanine mohammed

  3. أرجوكم أريد الإميل الخاص بالأستاذ الداعية عمرو خالد ضروري

  4. السلام عليكم .My name’s sherouk. i’m from egypt .i’m 12 years old .i want to know information about الصدق what are the best sites to know about it?
    what does it mean?
    who are the ” صادقون “?
    what is their ” جزاء”?

  5. Salamou Allah alaykoum,je remercie Mr Amr khalid pour tous les efforts qu’il fournit pour nous aider nous les musulmans

  6. bismi elleh errahman errahim ouessalat ala achraf el morsalin saidina mohamed alaihi essalam.
    i’m msulman women i’m fifteen years old i’dont speak english very well.i’m maraid i have 3 children 2 girls end 1 boy.i work in algerienne administration.i need to communique with you about evry thing of religion in life.end the must imortent thing is the education of my children in this material world if you are ok tell me it.salamoalikoum. . .

  7. i also love mr Amr Khaled so much
    do you know that he has got ababy callea Omar
    we should say to him congeratulations
    if you want to send an e_mail to him this is the link

    in shaallah in ramadan mr amr khaled will present a program from mecaa about the 99 name of allah

  8. salamoalaykom i’m souad i just don’t know what to say about amr khalid but what i know is nothing i do or say will descibe what he is doing for islam he is the light of muslims in his time he changed the lifes of thousands and influenced milions subhan ALLAH who is this man? that’s question has a simply one simple answer he is a man full of iman (faith) he has so much love for our prophet than maybe a lots of us put together because he is living just to make ALLAH and our prophet happy with him, masha’ALLAH this man is so great and that’s what islam does to you, when your heart is full of love to ALLAH and to his prophet that’s how u become. may ALLAH rewared him and bless Ali and Omar his sons and his wife who is sacrifying her own time with him so he can light up our lifes.

  9. salamoalaykom i’m souad i just don’t know what to say about amr khalid but what i know is nothing i do or say will descibe what he is doing for islam he is the light of muslims in his time he changed the lifes of thousands and influenced milions subhan ALLAH who is this man? that’s question has a simply one simple answer he is a man full of iman (faith) he has so much love for our prophet than maybe a lots of us put together because he is living just to make ALLAH and our prophet happy with him, masha’ALLAH this man is so great and that’s what islam does to you, when your heart is full of love to ALLAH and to his prophet that’s how u become. may ALLAH rewared him and bless Ali and Omar his sons and his wife who is sacrifying her own time with him so he can light up our lifes.

  10. Asalamualeikum wr wb,
    I desperately need Amr Khaled’s email add. could someone please send it to me, i need to ask him some important questions regarding to some of his lectures.

  11. I seen alot of people ask about Amr Khaled’s email address but no response. So can someone please post it up? Thank you

    I didn’t read everything that was written, but I heard alot of rumors about what he did or does. That’s between him and God. the point is he is a good influence and we are touched by his words. he doesnt teach us haram. He teaches us about God and how to get closer. I am thankful for that. Ramadan Kareem everyone

  12. does any one know the email of Nevine Mashhour who wrote a comment in here!!

    i know its almost a year but could anyone help!

  13. selaam moe’alaikom dear brothers&sisters

    I just want to say what a blessing Amr khhalid is to us!He is just mashAllah!I can even begin to decribe what an impact his shows have had on my life!Once you listen to him it is like your whole life changes forever.He is really inspiring.He is so great at what he does and he does this with so much devoution and sincirity.He is exactly what us youg muslims need!The amazing thing about Amr khalid is that he really beliefs in what he says.That makes people listen to him.I never seen anyone talking about Islam like he does.He makes us understand what Islam is about and he motivates us to contibute somthing to our society.I really don’t understand wy people critize him.People have come to me to tell me I shoudn’t listen to him because he doesn’t have a beard and he doesn’t follow the soenna.I always say it’s the heart who speaks and not the beard.They are just totally missing the point.It’s like him not having a beard is more important than what he spreads and what he has contributed to the moslim world so far!They should thank him, because he has such a great influece on moslims!He has shown us the way to Allah and he made us love and appreciate Islam!For that we can’t thank him anough!I really love the guy for what he does!He really cares about us and that is what makes him so special.May Allah be pleased with and grant him paradise INshAllah!!!!

  14. Salam Alikum to everybody reading this email,
    If any body can, please I need the Email of the Da3ia Amr khaled if possible and if you cannot give it to me, tell me how I can get, because I am staying in USA and I really need this and this is my email, please send it to me,
    Thank you very much and Allah bless all of you and Eid mubarak.

  15. Guys i guess the whole problem is that he is “smooth” as you described him. Probably you didn’t exactly think about the connotations of the word but he is SMOOTH, really. I got a couple of questions for you all:
    #01 Why does he insist on crying at the end of most of his episodes?
    #02 Why did he show on TV with Sheikh Saleh Kamel during Haj a year ago?
    #03 Why is he always defensive and never disagrees with anyone? Isn’t it better to become a strong Moslem rather than a week one?
    #04 Why does he never talk about the dangers flooding us from the West?

  16. salam aleikum evry one.

    first I will say to all of you who’s cceptical to Amr Khaled, or to them hwo try to give him a bad name; shame on you, he’s a man of God. Why is it allways like that, when some one talk right about islam or when a person is to good to be true, by then many became critical. Why can’t evryone just realize that he’s thoughtful and a kind-hearted man who want to show people the right way.
    Don’t forget that who make someone muslim, get endless part of (“hasanat”) rewards. Amr Khaled have saved and delivered thousends of people, and maked many enter the religion of islam. Is’nt that enough…?!?!?
    PLEAS DO YOU SELF A FAVOUR: Stop listening to median (inclusive arabic media) and follow your heart. Stop diging in small details he’s still just a human being, and find out better his great job… like giving me peace in my life.

  17. selaam alaikum,

    I totally agree with sister soud!I found it very dangerous that people judge Amr khaled without sound knowledge!I just don’t understand that as a moslim you can doubt someone’s sincerity of faith!Soubhanallah!Isn’t this Allah’s job!Allah is the only one who knows what is in the hearts!I absolutely refuse that Amr khaled would not be sincere about his dien!I mean come on what are we doing here.I was shocked when I read a comment about him being calculated about crying on Tv!How would you know what his attentions are and what he feels in his heart!If you would ask me he’s one of the few moslims who is not affraid to show his emotions!He speaks so openly about the way he feels about Allah(swt)and about how much he loves our beloved profet Mohamed(saw).Don’t forget that we’ll be questioned on yawm alqiyama about what we say about other people!I don’t care what people say about him!I just follow my heart!I just appreciate and respect him so much that I just have to defend him.He has done so much for us!Why do we always have to pay attention on what people do wrong!Why can’t we focus on what he has accomplished so far!I don’t know a lot of da’ie or sjeiks who have reached so many moslims like he has done!He is just doing what we all are created for: namely making da’wa.We are all messengers of Allah.He happens to be good at what his does.I think that people just forget how much effort and time he puts in making Us moslims love Islam and becoming aware about how precious and beautiful Islam is!I hope inshAllah that we can find it in our hearts to see the beautiful side of how people strive on the way of Allah in their own way!Because all the ways lead to one way!

    I leave you in the protection of Allah

  18. salam to all
    i have endlessly been trying to access amr khaleds personal email could someone please help!
    i need to email him
    jazakom llah alfi akhair insha allah


  19. welcome i hope to find sites for amr kalledin english languish espeacilly program علي خطي الحبيب please hilp me thanks.


  21. asalam aleykum warahmatulaah wabarakatu ,all i want to say for those who monite this site and read this comment may Allah bless you for the time and inshaallah guide as all in the future amr khaled is a talent scholar mashaallah and we all love his acknowledge to help as all inshaallah and if he got time to visit this site he will know how all over the world he got the support and dua al7amdulilaah inshallah we will all sucessed thank u and salamz to all

  22. selaamoe’alaikoem brothers and sisters,

    Does anyone know where I can find the program ala khote al habib in engish on internet!!And does anyone know what amr khaled personal e-mail address is!! I would like to contact him in english Inshallah!! I hope you’ll help me


  23. Salam

    inshalah you are all well.
    i am in great need of emailing Amr Khaled
    Coul somebody please email me his address.

    jazakum allah alfi khair


  24. قال تعالى (رجال صدقوا ماعاهدوا الله عليه فمنهم من قضى نحبه ومنهم من ينتظر ومابدلوا تبديلا)

  25. je veux avoir l’E-Mail du Docteur Amr Khaled, c’est une question de vie ou de mort.

    c’est tr

  26. i’m from algeria and i want help palestinian people, i can’t go to the war but i want help hem, sorry if i take mistaks in english but i do my best
    could you please give me the banking account of palestine help, i will very happy if you give it to me
    i want also to tell you that you are very good man and all youngs here in algeria saw your lesences
    tank you very mutch

  27. i’m from algeria and i want help palestinian people, i can’t go to the war but i want help hem, sorry if i take mistaks in english but i do my best
    could you please give me the banking account of palestine help, i will very happy if you give it to me
    i want also to tell you that you are very good man and all youngs here in algeria saw your lesences
    please to give answer in my mail box
    tank you very mutch

  28. the first time i heard amr khalid was in Ramadan of 2006 on iqraa channel with english subtitles it was a fantastic programme after that i requested iqraa channel to start an iqraa channel in english they said it will be starting in march but so far nothing has happened and they dont even respond to the request ihave iqraa on dish network,even though i do not understand english.
    maybe u can influence them to broadcast iqraa in english it will benefit our muslim brothers and sisters here in USA.

  29. selaam moe’ aleikom dear brothers and sisters,

    l would like to wish everybody a Ramadan Mubarek!May Allhah accept our good deeds and grant us forgiveness inshaAllah.May this blessed month bring us nearer to Allah and purify our souls. I would like to know if anyone knows if amr khaled’s new program ‘Paradise in our homes’ is being subtitled in english.It is being broadcasted on abu dhabi,arisala and al raitv. l truly hope that you can help me!!

    dzaka Allaho gayrain

  30. I am so proud of you Mr khalid because you are a good men that you like the good thing for this omah, i remembre the cases that you thrait it every sience in satelit channel

  31. hi i heard a lot about you and i really need to talk to you. can you please contact me back as soon as possible.

  32. Salaam, I want to ask something about Amr Khalid..
    His Program doesn’t come anymore on iqra Tv ??
    Pleas can help me some’one to find out where i can fidn the programs
    I searched on the site but i din’t find out..

  33. selaam sis l’am having the same problem. He used to come on iqra TV and his programs used to be subtitled in english, but not anymore. l really miss his programs. l know that his ramadan show was broadcasted on abu dhabi; al risala and al rai tv. Look on the website of abu dhabi tv, because he will have a new program coming soon on that channel. l don’t understand arabic, so can someone give me a link where l can find amr khaled’s ramdan program aljannah fi beyetona with english subtitles.

    DjazAllaho gairan

  34. selaam sarah,

    l just read your e-mail and l felt that l had to do something to help you. What ever you’ve done turn to Allah and ask for forgiveness. Allah is Ghafouru Arrahim.Don’t fall into dispear, because Allah’s Rahma and Forgiveness has no bounderies. If you sincerely repent to Allah and you regret your bad deeds then you shoudn’t worry. Allah loves those who repent to Him. If you repent to Allah and take a firm statement not to do it again then inshAllah Allah will forgive you and he will not care about your past deeds. Allah forgives everthing except shirk. Don’t be sacred my sister. All Allah wants is for you to seek his forgiveness and stop sinning.Allah is feels rejoiced and happy if his servant asks for his forgiveness. Do you know what Allah says? He says that his servant knows he has a God who is Al-forgiving and Merciful.soubhanallah!! Everybody makes mistakes. We are weak and sjaitaan will always be are biggest enemy. But the key is to acknowledge our faults and mistakes, which you obviously did by sending this e-mail which also proves you fear Allah and ask Allah for forgiveness. Ya oegtie with Allah it’s never too late. As long as you’re alive everything is possible. l know you feel ashamed of Allah, but remember this your deep sense of shame is a sign of imane and you love Allah. l hope inshallah that my words can help you. And if you want to talk feel free to wright back. l leave you fi gayr sister.take care

  35. selaam sarah,

    l just read your e-mail and l felt that l had to do something to help you. What ever you’ve done turn to Allah and ask for forgiveness. Allah is Ghafouru Arrahim.Don’t fall into dispear, because Allah’s Rahma and Forgiveness has no bounderies. If you sincerely repent to Allah and you regret your bad deeds then you shoudn’t worry. Allah loves those who repent to Him. If you repent to Allah and take a firm statement not to do it again then inshAllah Allah will forgive you and he will not care about your past deeds. Allah forgives everthing except shirk. Don’t be sacred my sister. All Allah wants is for you to seek his forgiveness and stop sinning.Allah is feels rejoiced and happy if his servant asks for his forgiveness. Do you know what Allah says? He says that his servant knows he has a God who is Al-forgiving and Merciful.soubhanallah!! Everybody makes mistakes. We are weak and sjaitaan will always be are biggest enemy. But the key is to acknowledge our faults and mistakes, which you obviously did by sending this e-mail which also proves you fear Allah and ask Allah for forgiveness. Ya oegtie with Allah it’s never too late. As long as you’re alive everything is possible. l know you feel ashamed of Allah, but remember this your deep sense of shame is a sign of imane and you love Allah. l hope inshallah that my words can help you. And if you want to talk feel free to wright back. l leave you fi gayr sister.take care

  36. please i need help, i need an e mail for Amr Khaled because i have a forigner friend how hate islam and says bad and wrong information about islam,,and thats make me go crazy ,and am not qualified enough to answer his question ,,so please if any body knows how to be in direct contact with Amr Khaled,,

  37. i will travel to Japan in a mission for two years and i want to make use of this period and fortify the relation with GOD in that place.
    i want the advice from the grand preacher Amr Khaled.
    Ahmed Ezzat
    Assistant lecturer

  38. Hai everyone,
    My father showed me a dutch transaltion from oe of Amr Khaled’s shows. It was the one about the Makers of life. I tried to find out how to contact him, but there is no e-mail adress. His official web site is mostly in arabic, so I can’t read it. I would like to ask the people who know arabic, to find out his email adress, it’s probably somewhere on the site. Could you the help me out and send an email to

    I would also want to say that it;s overwhelming to see su much people talking about the way we should live and how wonderfull our way of living is. I’m raised as a muslim, but my parents also kept in mind that I couldn’t be forced. I am thanful for Allah that he has given me the right mind, that he has given me the right heart and that he has never left my side. The situation is this:
    3 years ago I had a very hard time, I was in confusion. My mother is a teacher in our mosques, and I’m surrounded by people just like her, but still I was doubting. It was a horrible time to go through, but I made it. Not because my mom hold my hand or because i was forced not I made it because I wanted to.
    This is my final year in school. i chose a highly scientific branch, which put me in an environment with lots of atheist. Many people may think that mixing religion with science isn’t all too secure. But I found my faith back because of this. It is just that I started thinkin about the small details. The more I learn, the more I start to see of Allah’s power. After school time I o to the mosque every day, I’m learning arabic and the more deeper things of our faith. it is incredible that we are here tday, that i’m now able to write this. I could have been anywhere and any person.

    To give you an axample of how i was able to find my faith back I’ll explain you a little thing.
    You just have to think about this, and cmpare it to other situations. Thinking like this is also a kind of prayer:

    Lets take a leaf of a tree. It’s small It;s green, but How can we see tha it’s green. How does the leaf get it’s shape. How can a tiny seed grow to be a tree. There are all systems that form an answer. Atheist say that those sytsmes are it, nothing more. We see green because there is chlorofyl in leaves which absorbes the bleu and red light and reflect the green. Our eyes take the reflected lights in and translate it into green, because there are certain signals send to certain parts of our brain which recognise the color green. But how is it that EVERYTHING around us is so perfectly controlled, how is it that it happens over and over again. Is this explanation enought. it’s not. I think it’s the most beautifull thing to think about. It is a way to remember yourself that Allah is mighty, that Allah is everywhere and always. I wouldn’t be able to move and inch if it wasn’t for Allah, if it wasn’t Allah who wanted me to move my finger.

    I speak to everyone who is out there, who keep on believeing with their young hearts (i’m 18, i can call my slef quite young:P). Think about life, Look around you when you go to school. When yuu start writing something think about all the complexities involved with writing. Listen to you heartbeat and think. Concentrate n you breathing and think. Keep thinking and i promise you that your love for Allah will grow with the minute. That’s the way how i saved myslef. I hope that you will experience the same feeling as i have. It’s so diffrent, It’s impossible to put in words.

    I wish you all goodnight, and I hope that I’ve been a help to at least one of the souls out there.
    It is difficult in these times, it really is. But our profet has said, that the ones who believe, now in our present time are strong. i remember a Hadith which says that our prayers are worth more than the prayers of the people on our profets time. We pray to a Allah who we can’t see, we Follow our Profet Muhammed (sav) who isn’t here in flesh. We are strong, because we are the children of Mohammed…

  39. السلام عليكم انا من الجزائر انا معجبة جدا بالحصص التي تقدمهاخاصة قصص القران انا معجبة بالحكاية التي تحكيها عن الاطفال لانني معنديش اطفال وصار عندي امل كبير بفضلك بس ما حالفني الحظ في حج بيت الله اتمنى ان تدعيلي معاك لما تروح و تعيد حكايتك مرة اخرى.شكرا

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