‘Just what the environment needs from a car. Water.’

Just came across this image campaign while surfing the DaimlerChrysler website, and i think it’s magnificent.
It promotes the concept of hydrogen driven cars and how they will eliminate all pollutants and evil-smelling exhaust gases.

It’s great to see that some people are actually thinking about the world and the environment, unlike others who only care for war and chaos.

Read more about this campaign here.

Hedi Slimane

Just came across this piece about a Tunisian fashion designer called Hedi Slimane who just moved to work at Dior, and who could do for menswear what Yves Saint Laurent did for women 40 years ago.

With a Tunisian father, Italian mother, and Brazilian grandmother, Hedi Slimane embodies the new global fashion.

To read the article/interview: click here.

Iraq Under Occupation

I was just surfing the English Al Jazeera website when i came across this special report “Iraq Under Occupation”.
The following is the introduction of the report, which i really liked, and you can read the rest here.

US and British occupation of Iraq is regarded as the re-emergence of the old colonialist practices of the western empires in some quarters. The real ambitions underlying the brutal onslaught are still highly questionable – and then there are the blatant lies over weapons of mass destruction originally used to justify the war. There were no great victory marches by the occupiers, nor were they thrown garlands of flowers and greeted in triumph. More US soldiers have died in Iraq since George Bush declared an end to the war on 1 May 2003 prompting the question: Will Iraq turn into a new Vietnam eventually bringing the US to its senses … or perhaps to its knees?

Iraq’s history, and along with it that of the Arab Muslim world, speaks of several similar encounters. In the past, enemies attacked from East and West before they were swallowed by the moving sands of the region, or forced to retreat, leaving behind a phoenix-like people who adore life and still accept to die for their freedom.

The escalating Iraqi resistance seems to be setting the stage for another act which might usher in a new Arab World or set the clock ticking for the end of yet another empire.

China goes to space

Yep, China goes to space, not all of it of course, just one man.
There’s not enough space in the earth’s orbit to take the whole Chinese population along.

So, China joins the space nations, becoming only the 3rd country to put a man into space.
The Shenzhou V spacecraft was successfully launched today with China’s first astronaut Yang Liwei aboard. He will orbit the earth 14 times and then land somewhere in Inner Mongolia.

Before take-off the astronaut was quoted saying he would gain honor for the People’s Liberation Army and for the Chinese nation and that he would not dissapoint the motherland …etc., but i bet that deep inside of him he just wished the whole thing would pass quickly without his ass being blown up into a billion pieces.

Oh well, congratulations for China. I truly respect and admire the Chinese people.

Fish are friends not food !

PETA (People of the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have won permission from Disney to adapt a film poster for Finding Nemo to help promote vegetarianism to youngsters.

The slogan “Fish are friends not food !” is being used everywhere, even on Finding Nemo pyjamas.

Well, i truly wish them good luck in this campaign, but i can’t help it, i’d rather eat a fish than talk to it 😛

Anyway, for more info about the campaign, go here.

Cycling for world peace

Just read about this Iranian girl who is travelling around the world by bike to promote friendship and peace.

A solitary journey around the world that started on April 2003 via 10 countries: Starting with Italy, France, England, The United States, Japan , New Zealand, China, India, Oman, Saudi Arabia and ending in Iran.

She states her main goals as:

1- Gathering support and raising funds for orphaned children and the needy.
2- Communicating with the women, girls and youth in the countries to be visited and bringing their message to the women, girls and youth in Iran.
3- Observing the manifestations of God in world.

and her journey motto is:
“In the name of love, friendship and global peace.”
Poupeh Mahdavinader

For more info and to follow her through her journey, check out her site at:

I personally think it’s cool, she’s having fun travelling the world and she’s doing good at the same time 🙂


“Terrorists don’t just wake up one morning and decide to hate the United States”.
Micah Halpern (Author of “What You Need To Know About: Terror”)

I just read this line a couple of days ago in TIME magazine, and ever since then i’ve been wanting to post something about this, but without being too political, i just want to state a point of view, an idea, a thought, regardless of the country.

Just reading that line really makes you think, it’s true, nobody ever wakes up in the morning and decides to hate someone. Hate is a feeling that is born and then grows because of a reason, and it naturally grows even bigger when that reason persists and is ignored.

So maybe the solution to stop this hate is to actually try and find that reason, then try to find some way to erase it and solve the problem creating it instead of launching a full scale war that will only serve as a way to feed the roots of that hatred.

But what if the reason is already known and obvious ?
What if they don’t want to solve the problem that is the reason of the hatred ?
Then, this is why we see what we see today and live through what we live through today.

But then again, War never was a solution to any problem.

Doesn’t that make you think ?