Marriage & Genetics

Something that has crossed my mind often ever since I got married is how much the laws of genetics can apply to marriage.

Being a science wiz at school, I was very interested in genetics, in fact I even wanted to study genetics in university, but didn’t. I ended up doing computer science instead, now that’s close.

Anyway back to marriage.
What I’ve observed from my personal experience and those of others around me is the following.

Before marriage each person has their own unique character, their own set of goods and bads about them, their own way of living.
After marriage, things start changing, and both sides start passing certain features to their partner while picking some other ones from them.
And here the laws of genetics kick in, the strongest features from either of the partners are the ones that come through and rule the couple.

Not only that, but from taking a snapshot of the couple after a given time, you might also be able to determine what their children will be like; after all the same laws will probably apply to them too.

For example, my wife was always a very active person, always running around doing something and keeping busy. As for me, well I’d like to think I’m active enough, but the truth is that I’m one of the laziest people on earth.
Result ? Well you can say we’re one of the laziest couples I know of ๐Ÿ˜›
And I don’t expect my children to be any better ๐Ÿ˜›

Of course, this doesn’t hold for all couples nor for all features.
But I guess what does follow these laws determines how much chemistry there is inside the couple.
After all, any couple needs certain points of difference to have a healthy fight about every now and then ๐Ÿ˜‰

Zen Quote of the Day

If you want to be free,
Get to know your real self.
It has no form, no appearance,
No root, no basis, no abode,
But is lively and buoyant.
It responds with versatile facility,
But its function cannot be located.
Therefore when you look for it,
You become further from it;
When you seek it
You turn away from it all the more.

– Linji (d. 867)

Buddha Quotes

“He is able who thinks he is able.”

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.”

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Exposure vs. Freedom of Expression

Recently I’ve been thinking about how much freedom I can enjoy while writing on my blog.
The whole idea of a blog is to have freedom of expression and just talk about whatever you feel like talking about.

But still, sometimes I have so much to talk about, and I just can’t use my blog for it anymore.
Why ? because my blog and I are more exposed now.
It’s no longer that blog sitting around in the blogosphere with a few unknown people stumbling upon it every now and then. People from my everyday life, my family, my work know it and read it daily now.
And so, I have to choose what to talk about, use the right words and try not to harm myself or hurt any of the people reading it.

It’s weird, I know. But that’s the way freedom becomes when it’s matched with exposure.
I have to put certain limits on myself and on what I write. It sucks, but it’s necessary.

The Truman Show

No, I didn’t see the movie again, it just crossed my mind again.

The Truman Show is one of my favourite movies, for the simple reason that i truly relate to it.
I didn’t go through the same experience of course or you’d have known about it for sure, but i thought about it a lot when i was a child.

There were times when I’d just think: what if all this is just a big show, a movie, plain and simple acting ?
What if all these people around me are just actors, playing their roles to give me a fake feeling that everything is normal ?

I don’t know what made me think that way sometimes, but it would occur to me very often.
Just like some kids were scared of turning out to be adopted, I was scared of my whole life turning out to be one hell of a big act.

I don’t remember when, how or why I grew out of it and stopped worrying. But when I come to think of it now, I don’t really feel that I was wrong, life really is a big act, and the people around us are just actors. We are just moving pieces on one big chess board.
Who’s watching ?
We watch each other. And God watches us all.

Exposure, Voyeurism, Stalking…

Something that comes to my mind quite often is how much some people expose themselves on their personal blogs.
They talk about so many aspects of their everyday lives, their thoughts and so much more, and it’s all so normal. They know that anybody and everybody can read it, and yet it satisfies them to write it and know that someone is out there reading it.

And then i look at it from the reader point of view, and i realize that we all sort of have this hidden voyeur inside of us, and that we like reading about and going into other people’s lives and thoughts whether it’s through a blog, biography, movie or whatever else.
It’s so normal to us.

Another thought that arises though is: If a blog reader becomes a frequent and loyal reader to a blog, couldn’t that somehow be considered as stalking ?

Will there be a day when we hear of some blogger getting a restraining order against a blog reader to stay away from his blog because of that reader stalking him ?

You never know, huh ?
In this weird world, everything is possible.

PS: Don’t worry, you can keep coming back to this blog as often as you wish, i won’t be taking you to court for it ๐Ÿ˜‰
PS2: This blog’s title should sure get some sex-surfers to pass by here, don’t you think ? ๐Ÿ˜› Won’t they be dissapointed, lol…

Retirement & Life

On saturday, I watched the movie About Schmidt starring Jack Nicholson, and telling the story of a newly retired man and his feelings that he wasted his life.

This really got me thinking. Not as much about the meaning of life (even though i did think of that) as about retirement and life after it.
It made me think: Where am I going ? Where will I be in 35 years when I reach retirement age ? What will I have to show for all my working years ? Am I happy with my career right now ? What are my future career plans ? How am I going to grow professionally ? What direction should I move in ? …etc.
Question after question just rushed through my brain, making me think even more and even harder.

I know what I dream of, but are my dreams possible in reality ?
If yes, then what steps should I take to get there ?
Risk ? Well nothing comes easy, risk is always there, endless calculations and miscalculations of risk.

I can’t say I got to any final conclusions with my thoughts, it’s all still an ongoing effort, as is life itself.
All i know is that I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, although I know I could have accomplished a lot more if I put my mind to it, and that i’ve still got a lot of great things ahead waiting for me if God wills and I take the steps i should.

Animals & Man

First it was mad cow disease…
Then came foot and mouth for sheep…
And now there’s bird flu…

What next ?
Fish cancer ??!!

When are humans going to realize that the more they screw with nature, the more nature is gonna screw them back ?!

World Around Us

Each and every one of us lives his life feeling that the world revolves around him, and that others are just rotating parts in his existence.
I think it’s due to the way we look at things and analyze them; we only care about things that are directly related to us or that affect our lives. We see things through our eyes only, and so the world to us is what those eyes see, what we build in our minds from our experiences and the images we collect.
That’s the world around us.

Of course, the world doesn’t revolve around any one of us, and the proof to that is that no one’s death ever stopped the world.
But, by someone’s death the world around that person, the world that person created in his mind, the world as he saw it, the world he believed to revolve around him does stop and end.

So ??
Well, my point is, of course we all live in this one same big world in the end of the day, but for all it matters we all live in our small little custom made worlds, we all have these tiny circles we move in.
So, basically, if we were to take anyone and their small little world and put them on Mars, there wouldn’t be any difference at all for them.
But then again, if there were any change, it wouldn’t matter because the main component in that world, which is the person, is still there and he would go on and create a new world around him again.

So, in a sense the world does revolve around each and everyone of us, not the big world, but our own custom world.
So, as long as we are the main player in our world, we might as well try and make it a good one and do our best to enjoy it. Maybe then, the big world that all our little worlds are a subset of can become a better place for us to live in.

For the time being, my world and the whole big world will continue to revolve around me and me only ๐Ÿ˜›