Israeli War Crimes in Rafah & Gaza

Scenes of grief and desolation in Rafah.

Rafah and Gaza continue to experience ongoing Israeli military operations at this very moment !

Israel has killed more than 30 Palestinians this week, demolished buildings and homes, purposely targeted peaceful protesters (most of them children) and terrorized people.

The United Nations passed a resolution condemning the killing of Palestinian civilians in southern Gaza and calling on Israel to stop demolishing homes there.
Incredibly the US did not veto this resolution and simply abstained.
But what difference does all this make on the ground?
Words and useless resolutions don’t do anything for the people being killed and their families.
Action has to be taken to stop these acts of crime and state terrorism!

The Electronic Intifada urges all concerned people to contact international and government officials to demand immediate action to halt Israel’s assault on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Israel is in the process of committing major war crimes with total impunity…

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

3 thoughts on “Israeli War Crimes in Rafah & Gaza”

  1. I know these are unanswerable mussings but when is this senseless death going to end. I feel so helpless just to stand there and watch all these people terrorized. These people just keep killing each other….what goes through their heads when they target innocents. Parents where running, carrying their bloody children. I thank the powers that be that I live where I do everyday.

  2. Why is Israel demolishing homes out there?

    The pictures are horrifying and heartbreaking. 🙁

  3. Well, Israel claims that they have intelligence that arms were waiting across the border in Egypt to be smuggled into Gaza through secret tunnels.

    This is just a bullshit baseless claim.

    There they’ve been for days killing people and demolishing homes and no arms or tunnels have been found.
    And now they’re just starting to pull out leaving a disaster behind them.

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