Mad Driving & Crazy Pedestrians

This is really killing me…
Everyday, on the streets, i’m faced with millions of mad drivers, people who look like they’ve just escaped from a mental hospital and who have one and only one goal in mind: to crash their cars into whatever obstacle in front of them.
I don’t get it. How did these people get driving licenses ? Why are they allowed to be out there on the streets ?
They’re psychos for god’s sake.

And the pedestrians ?
Oh please, i don’t want to even remember the pedestrians !
It seems they’re badly on something, sort of in a spiritual high, so high in fact they don’t even think of or fear death.
They throw themselves into the middle of a highway without even caring to look and just walk across so slowly, as if they were walking down the aisle on their wedding day, and should you even dare to honk your horn you’ll get one hell of a look and a long list of swearing to follow.

The roads are becoming an everyday hell that i have to pass through everyday. And sometimes i just barely resist the temptation to simply let go and bring my Grand Theft Auto game-playing skills to reality 😛
Now that would be a blast 😉

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

7 thoughts on “Mad Driving & Crazy Pedestrians”

  1. And you left out the suicidal bicyclists!

    Here in my town there’s a radical bicyclist community, and I’m pretty sympathetic to the idea that (1) the world would be a better place if we all rode bikes, (2) our city planners think four-wheelers are god and human-powered transport is for no-account wimps, and (3) the roads are full of sociopathic drivers who love to run bicyclists off the road.

    But then I have to engage in evasive action to avoid running over some lemming of a bicyclist weaving across a busy street at night with no lights and no helmet and I think, I’ve got to risk hard time on a manslaughter charge because of that idiot?! If he wants to be self-destructive, why doesn’t he just take heroin or jump off a bridge or something?

  2. Well, I do care about silly kids who think they’ll live forever. Maybe it’s because I’m a dad.

    But even if you leave out the humanitarian reasons to care, there’s the fact that hitting them can result in lawsuits, jail time, or at the very least the inconvenience of talking to cops and taking dents out of your fender.

  3. Yeah, of course, i know. I was just joking.

    But, still it’s a question that comes to mind sometimes, even if we quickly answer ourselves why we should care.

  4. yup, that’s how Tunis is. You have to be a professional driver to master the streets here In Tunis.did u forget the taxis,they never respect priorities.I went to Libya and it is alot alot alot alot alot alot worse!!! U have no Idea.I was dreaming that there was gonna be an accident happening.

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