US Midterm Election Highlights

The following are the highlights of the US midterm elections:

– Democrats win House of Representatives.
– Democrats are more likely to win the Senate too.
– Nancy Pelosi is to become the first woman speaker of the house, she’ll also be the first Italian-American speaker.
– Keith Ellison, first Muslim elected to house of representatives.
– For the first time, 16 women are present in the senate.
– Majority of US governors are now Democrats.
– Deval Patrick, first Black governor, elected in Massachusetts.
– Donald Rumsfeld steps down.

Personally, I think these are very good results.
Results of political elections in the US generally affect the rest of the world too, so it’s good to see that Bush and his administration won’t be able to freely do as they please from now on.

[Via: Houssein]

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

3 thoughts on “US Midterm Election Highlights”

  1. I believe there’ll be enough potential votes to bring forward and sustain a Presidential Impeachment.

    I’ve recovered from the celebration I yesterday noted on your wife’s blog. (Italian Merlot is now very cheap–an oversupply, it seems. What a pity.)


  2. MMM:

    Of course they’re not pursuing impeachment–for now. πŸ™‚ But there’ll soon be all sorts of investigations; I think the new Congress is going to be shocked, shocked! to discover there was so much criminality going on. πŸ™‚ (Please tell me you’ve seen that great movie classic, “Casablanca.” I’ve no idea how wide an audience it enjoys.)

    Then we’ll hear earnest vows to follow the trail of criminality “no matter where it may lead.” If it gets hot enough soon enough for Mr. Bush, he may have the good sense resign, along with Cheney.

    Though perhaps not soon enough, as I see he’s massing the 6th Fleet off Iran even as I type. Ridiculous, of course–nuclear proliferation’s been inevitable since that genie left the bottle sixty years ago. We don’t have enough bombs to bomb everyone who’ll soon be joining the nuclear club. (And then of course everyone who already doesn’t want to kill will want to.)

    Since you’re a fellow NYT reader, I’ll email you a few of their members-only columns as they pop up, if you’ve no violent objections. I am the only one I know who pays the dear old NYT fifty dollars a year to read those things on-line. (A dark secret from long-suffering wife. (Shhhhhh!) πŸ™‚ )

    Ah! Friday night and I see there’s some of that celebratory Italian Merlot left. Book and bottle time.



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