5th Tunisian Blogger Meetup Tomorrow

So, the fifth Tunisian blogger meetup is tomorrow in Kelibia.
I can’t wait to meet the old faces again and get to know the new people who will be coming.
Adib asked us all to try and be there before noon so we don’t lose our reservation in El Mansoura restaurant.

As for getting there, some people already have their transportation arranged and are going directly to Kelibia from or through some other place.

As for the people who are in Tunis, and who have cars or don’t know how to go, I suggest that we meet in the Abou Nawas Tunis hotel parking at 10AM so that we can split ourselves between the available cars and then drive to Kelibia together.

Marouen Mraihi has reserved a place with me in my car, which leaves one or two more places in my car’s backseat depending on how much you’ve had for dinner tonight 😛

I hope everyone will do their best to come. I know it’s summer, I know there are a million things going on in our lives, I know Kelibia is a bit far, but it’ll be fun and worth it, so please be there 🙂

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.