Mr. Brooks

I just finished watching the movie Mr. Brooks, featuring Kevin Costner and Demi Moore.

The movie is a psychological thriller about a man, Mr. Brooks (played by Kevin Costner), who is addicted to and enjoys murder; he is a serial killer known by the pseudo “The Thumb Print Killer”, who continues to be tempted by his alter ego to keep on killing people even thought he wants to quit.
Demi Moore plays the role of a devoted police detective who is tracking the footsteps of the thumb print killer, earning his admiration and respect along the way.

I found the movie pretty interesting, I really liked the story and the script, and I think that Kevin Costner did a great job depicting the mixed up personality of the serial killer and all his different faces and personas.

If you’re into the whole psychological thriller genre, then I do recommend this movie; it is a good and enjoyable one that keeps you engaged throughout it all.

Overall, I think I’d give it a score of:

[Amazon: Mr. Brooks DVD]