The Top 10 Dead (Or Dying) Computer Skills

I just came across an article on ComputerWorld that lists the top 10 dead or dying computer skills; the list goes as follows:

1. Cobol
2. Nonrelational DBMS
3. Non-IP networks
4. cc:Mail
5. ColdFusion
6. C programming
7. PowerBuilder
8. Certified NetWare Engineers
9. PC network administrators
10. OS/2

Wow, that list brings back a lot of memories of things I used to use or that I had on my list of things to check out, learn or use.

It’s amazing how much changes in so little time when it comes to the IT/Computer industry; but still we wouldn’t be where we are today without all those dead technologies and skills.
So personally, the list above has all my respect and admiration; May they all rest in peace.

Check the full article: The top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills.