Ajaaj: The First UAE Superhero Comic Book

AjaajAjaaj – “Legends of the past, protecting the future”. That’s the tagline for the new comic book by Watani featuring the first UAE superhero called Ajaaj.

The comic book series is set in the year 2020; the UAE is leading the way in world trade, industry and tourism. However, the media is filled with reports of a natural disaster, a sand storm which has hit towns and shores leaving substantial damage in its aftermath.

These reports are interrupted by kids who refute them, declaring the force behind the storm is Ajaaj. They say he can morph into a well-built young UAE man, a wall or even a bridge. He can fly and solidify, turn into fine dust, infiltrate tightly locked areas and even transform into structures strong enough to stop the fastest bullet train.

And the rest as you can imagine should be a selection of superhero fun and adventures.

The comic books are produced monthly in hard cover version making it a collector item as well. The 44-page first issue of Ajaaj is available online for viewing and download in both Arabic & English.

[More: Ajaaj]
[Via: Fahad]