All For Peace, A Palestinian-Israeli Radio Station

All For Peace is a collaborative Palestinian-Israeli radio station broadcasting online.
The radio station is an effort created by The Palestinian organization Biladi, The Jerusalem Times and The Jewish-Arab Centre for Peace (Givat Haviva).

According to their website, the goals of the project include:

  • exposure of the various aspects of each side to the other side
  • exposure of interviewees, artists and topics of each side to the other side
  • emphasis on the different and the similar
  • discussion of common interests such as health, environment, culture, transportation, economy, etc.
  • exposure and reporting on joint initiatives and projects and on alternative ideas for the conclusion of the conflict
  • providing hope to the listeners
  • preparing listeners towards “the morning after” the conflict

“A central aspect of the conflict between the two people arises from the distance and alienation between them. Common sense dictates that the more we know each other the less we will hate, be angry at and fear each other.”

“One of the items most lacking in the Middle East is hope. The loss of hope is also the greatest threat to both peoples.”

All For Peace Radio

I think this is a great effort and I hope many more like it will follow to try and bridge the gaps between the Palestinian and Israeli people, build hope and bring peace a step closer.


Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.