Israeli Lobby Unwritten Contract With American Media

Andrea Levin, president of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) said in a speech: “The American media is much, much more geared to understanding that there is an unwritten contract between them and us…”

What is this “unwritten contract”? I’ll tell you what it is: it’s an agreement to censor anything and everything that offends the Lobby and its glorified, sanitized view of Israel. Here, after all, is a country that practices apartheid, imprisons children, and was founded on ethnic cleansing and bigoted religious obscurantism – and yet they present themselves to the world as a valiant little “democracy,” a beleaguered outpost of “the West” in the midst of an Arab sea. It takes a lot of cosmetics to hide the true face of this dog, and that’s what CAMERA is all about – prettifying an increasingly ugly reality. The Lobby reserves the right to censor any material that presents Israel in a more realistic light, and anyone who opposes them in their mission on behalf of a foreign power is smeared as an “anti-Semite.”

— Full article: The Lobby, Unmasked by Justin Raimondo.