Dentist Urgently Needed

Ok, it’s really about time I go to a dentist.
I’ve been trying to avoid this for a long time now.
I’ve been ignoring the bits and pieces of teeth that have been falling apart every now and then.
I’ve been gobbling up painkillers to try and get over the head-splitting toothaches.

But now with small holes starting to form and at least 3 of my teeth surely in need of that painful root canal treatment I’ve already tried once before, I think it’s time I go to a dentist as soon as possible before things get even worse.

I totally hate dentists, but well a must is a must.

So, I need a favor from my fellow Tunisian bloggers to help me out here and tell me about good dentists they’ve tried out and who have a “light hand”, as we’d say, meaning that he/she isn’t a sadistic bastard who will screw the living lights out of me with pain!

Leave a comment or send me an email with the doctor’s contacts and a short description of your experience with him/her.
Thank you…