What Do You Like/Dislike About Subzero Blue?

I think there are two main kinds of passionate bloggers in the world: the kind that write for themselves and the kind that write for their readers.

Personally, I think I’m a mix of the two, I write for myself and for my blog’s readers at the same time.

And even though I do get your feedback on individual blog items from time to time, I wanted to go ahead and ask you in general what things you like and what other things you dislike about this blog?

I’m really interested in knowing: what kinds of posts you enjoy the most or find the most informative or useful? whether you come back a number of times per day and like it when I post several times or whether you pass by only once and would like to find just one good post waiting for you? what you think about the design? what keeps you coming back and what frustrates you about Subzero Blue?

Please do share your thoughts and ideas, and if you have any suggestions do not hesitate to let me know too, I would greatly appreciate them.