Twenty Nine

Today is March 11th again; Twenty nine years ago, on this very day, in a time close to this one, in a little clinic in downtown Tunis: I was born into this world.

Only one year away from Thirty now; an age a lot of people see as a milestone in their lives.

Anyway what does Twenty Nine mean to me?
Well, not much, but if it does mean anything to me, it’s in a context in which I look at the years of my life and what I’ve been able to accomplish in them.

All in all, I’m pretty happy with where I am in life right now, and what I’ve been able to do in these twenty nine years, but I still feel I could have done more, that there were more things I could have squeezed in to them, more chances I could have taken, and that it’s about time I go ahead and start taking some chances and jumping on new opportunities so that I don’t have to think the same thing in my next birthdays.

Like everyone in this world, I’m not very good at resolutions and hanging on to them, but what I would like to see myself doing in this next year is: organize my time better, do more of the things I’m passionate about, finally bring some of my ideas and projects to life, and prepare myself for some eventual major changes in my life.

What are my plans for today? The usual, spending it with my wife, son, parents and sister at our place. That’s pretty much more than enough for me.

Oh, and here’s a link to my wishlist, just in case; *hint hint*