Hatebook: Anti-Social Networking Site

hatebookFacebook and all those social networking sites out there not really your kind of thing?
You’d rather be left alone?
You feel you have more people that you hate than people you like?
Then Hatebook is the site for you…
The first anti-social networking site, where you can connect with the people you hate…

Upload blackmail material or publish lies, get the latest gossip from your enemies and friends, post photos and videos on your hate profile, tag your friends, get hate points from disturbing people who live, study, or work around you, simply take over the world…

Hatebook looks and functions a lot like Facebook, except in a more devilish way. The color is a more aggressive red, user profiles include a section called “Why I’m Better Than You!”, and instead of Photo Albums you create “Hate Albums” consisting of photos and descriptions of people/things you hate.

[Via: TechCrunch]

Blue Eyes Riddle

I just came across this really interesting riddle that I thought I’d share here.

There is an island that is considered to be paradise. All the inhibitants of the island are Perfect Logicians, and every knows of every that they are Perfect Logicans.

Exactly 100 of these persons have blue eyes, 100 have brown eyes, and 1 has green eyes. The inhibitants do not know what his/her color eyes is. Everyone is constantly aware of everyone elses eye color but no person knows that there are 100 blue eyed, 100 brown eyed, and 1 green eyed person on the island.

If a person finds out his/her own eye color she/he must leave the island at midnight of the day she/he finds out! There are no mirrors or reflections of any kind on the island. Also, nobody on the island ever speaks except the Guru, who is the person with the green eyes, (she does not know her eye color and if she found out she would have to leave the island at midnight). The Guru says one sentence every fifty years. One day the Guru arrives and tells everyone on the island the following: “I SEE SOMEONE WITH BLUE EYES.”

Who (if anyone) leaves the island and when?

This is not a trick question, and the answer is a very logical one. It just needs a bit of thinking. Give it a try.
I’ll post the answer in a couple of days time.

God Of War II

Yesterday I popped in the video game “God Of War II” in my PlayStation 2 to check it out and see what it’s all about and maybe play away a few minutes while waiting for dinner.

I never played the first installment of the game, so other than what I saw in trailers or heard from my friends, in addition to the obvious violence that the name hints at, I didn’t really know what to expect.

So now that I’ve played the game for two days and gotten quite well into it, I can say that it’s a really fun game, that I’m truly enjoying. It’s a lot like “Prince of Persia – The Two Thrones“, which is a great game, in many aspects: storyline, gameplay, action, graphics and even the sometimes annoyingly long times you have to go before you find somewhere you can save your progress.

So what’s the story? God Of War II continues the thrilling and bloody tale of Kratos, the mortal warrior who challenged the war god Ares for his throne and succeeded. In God Of War II he rules over war, far more ruthless than Ares ever was. But because of his disregard for the other citizens of Greece, he suddenly finds himself on the outs with the Olympians, is betrayed by Athena and seemingly killed by Zeus. He must journey to the far reaches of the earth and defeat untold horrors and alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed, his fate.

I’m far from finishing the game, I actually hear it’s one of the longest platform games ever made, but I’ll be doing my best to stick with it and get to the end of it. I might even go ahead and get the first installment when I finish this one; it’s that much fun.

So, for video game fanatics, who enjoy a good action roleplaying game, I totally recommend this one.

[More: Official Website, GameSpot, Amazon]

How To Drop Off The Face Of The Earth

The other day I was thinking about what it would take for someone to just disappear, just seem to have dropped off the face of the earth, if they were to wish to do so.

I’m not talking illegal stuff, no, just using strictly legal means; how can a person just disappear into thin air without a trace?

It’s not like I’m planning to do this anytime soon or ever really, but well sometimes my mind does wonder off to such weird ideas, and I think that it’d be cool to have a plan if someone ever felt the urge to do something like that, even for a little while, if one day they just got fed up of it all maybe.

So I’m thinking these following steps could somehow work and make it seem like you dropped off the face of this earth:

– Throw away your mobile phone, blackberry, whatever connected mobile devices you have.
– Sell whatever you don’t need to different people so no one gets suspicious.
– Choose a destination country to move to that is vast, where you can move around freely and easily extend your visa.
– Get a visa to that country.
– Make one-way plane reservations through a number of different travel agencies transiting through some other countries to get there, with the outgoing flight not on the same day as your incoming one.
– Travel without saying goodbye to anyone.
– Once at your destination country, move to a small rural town or island.
– Find a simple job at a small place that doesn’t get you too much attention.

And well, for as long as your passport is valid, to everyone you know, it’ll basically seem like you just dropped off the face of the planet.

Now that I’ve finished this post, it feels even weirder that I’m thinking of this, but well the time has been wasted so I’ll publish it anyway.

What do you think? Would you ever think of doing something like this? And do you think there is an easier way maybe?

Latest Diet Advice: Avoid Fat People

So here’s the latest news on losing weight and staying fit…

If you want to stay thin, don’t choose fat friends.

Researchers have found that obesity is socially contagious – it spreads from person to person within the same social group.

A study of 12,000 people whose height and weight were measured repeatedly over 32 years has revealed that when one person gained weight those around them tended to gain weight, too.

Unexpectedly, the greatest effect was seen not among members of the same family (who shared the same genes) or household but among friends.

A person’s chances of becoming obese rose 57 per cent if they had a friend who was obese but only 40 per cent if they had an obese sibling and 37 per cent if their spouse was obese. People of the same sex had more influence on each other than people of the opposite sex.

[Source: The Independent]

… And we’re basically back to the stupid days of teenagehood and middle school again, when fat kids where not cool to hang out with.


To keep fit, it’s true you have to avoid the fat, but not your fat friends, but rather all that fat you’re gobbling down at unhealthy fast food restaurants.

You Know You’re Arab If…

I already posted something like this before called You know you’re an Arab when…. Anyway I came across another such list, and thought I’d pick some of the best ones and put them up here. So, basically, you know you’re Arab if…

– You go to Arabic restaurants abroad, tell the owners you’re Arab, and think you’re going to get free food.

– You fight over who pays the dinner bill.

– You don’t use the word “tease” in English cause you feel weird.

– At weddings it takes the bride and groom 4 hours to kiss all the guests.

– You have a gold necklace of your name written in Arabic.

– You feel proud when someone famous or a celebrity has any Arabic blood in them.

– You wear more cologne than deodorant.

– You put olive oil in and on everything and brag about how healthy it is.

– You gossip about your own family…with members of your own family.

– You cook a meal that lasts 3 days.

-You think it’s cool to dance and smoke at the same time.

You can go on here and check out the other post: You know you’re an Arab when…