The Masks We Wear

Don’t be fooled by me. Don’t be fooled by the face I wear. For I wear a thousands masks, masks that I’m afraid to take off and none of them is me. Pretending is an art that is second nature with me, but don’t be fooled. For God’s sake don’t be fooled. I give you the impression that I’m secure, that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without, that confidence is my name and coolness my game; that the water’s calm and I’m in command, and that I need no one. But don’t believe me. My surface may seem smooth but my surface is my mask, ever-varying and ever-concealing. Beneath lies no complacence. Beneath lies confusion and fear and aloneness. But I hide this. I don’t want anybody to know it.


Who am I, you may wonder? I am someone you know very well. For I am every man you meet and I am every woman you meet.

Charles C. Finn, “Please Hear What I’m Not Saying

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.