The 5 Rules Of Telling A Joke

I truly believe that over 50% of what makes people laugh at a joke is how it’s told, and I’m sure most of us have witnessed a really hilarious joke reduced to a failure by someone who didn’t know how to tell it well.

These are just ideas of rules I think should be respected when telling a joke.

1. Make sure you know the joke well enough to tell it. Stopping in the middle of the joke to remember the rest just screws the whole thing up.

2. Keep it short. People’s joke attention span is very short, stretching it out for them makes them lose interest and ruins the effect of the joke.

3. Choose the right voice tone. Depending on the joke, you should slightly change the tone of your voice when you’re telling it to accentuate it.

4. Choose your words. Some words reflect “funny”, some just don’t.

5. Don’t tell it like you’re talking about a documentary. Be upbeat, into it and know how to carry the joke.

Now, tell me a good joke…

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

5 thoughts on “The 5 Rules Of Telling A Joke”

  1. The important thing in a joke is the unexpected end. That’s why the one who tells it should be so clever to convince you that the joke will end with something, but “derivates” in last moment.

  2. You are 100% right

    I add one more rule … don’t laugh while you are telling the joke making your words sound as alien language and make everyone stare at you to try to figure out what you are saying!!

  3. A man is walking with his friends yelling, “ICE CREAM SODA! ICE CREAM SODA!” And his friends are like, “What are you talking about?” And the man yells “ICE CREAM SODA YOU CAN HEAR ME!!!”


  4. rule number 6: If your audience doesn’t get immediately the meaning of the ending part (which is probably funniest) don’t try to give explanations .
    rule number 7: If your joke doesn’t have an expected impact after telling it just remain calm and don’t try to laugh by yourself.

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