Man Trades Paper Clip For House

A Canadian man who set out to trade a paper clip to get a house says he is coming close to achieving his dream.

After a year of swapping items on the internet, Kyle MacDonald, 26, has been offered a year in a house in Phoenix, Arizona, rent-free.

Mr MacDonald, who lives in Montreal, initially exchanged his paper clip for a fish-shaped pen. A series of trades ensued till the latest deal to exchange the Phoenix house for a music contract.

He says that he’s going to keep trading for bigger or better things until he gets a house of his own at the end.

Man, you just have to love the internet! It’s so cool…

This reminds me of this idea I had once of putting up a website where people would donate a fixed amount of money to buy a brick for a house I would build. The website would cover the whole process with photos and all, and when it would be all done, the website would include a full list of the names of all the people who own a brick or more in the house.

[Source: BBC]

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

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