UK: Men should get consent before sex

Men must make sure they gain consent before having sex to avoid being sent to jail, the British government is saying in a new hard-hitting advertising campaign.


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Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

4 thoughts on “UK: Men should get consent before sex”

  1. loool even before i finished reading what you wrote i was thinking to myself, wait a minute, in court this is considered hearsay. So are they supposed to like sign a form?

  2. loool…
    Great minds think alike my friend ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Yeah, plus with forms, there could be checkboxes and she could check all the stuff she’s willing to do ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. The ad is helpful at least, to make people be aware of a problem that may occur. A lot of people react differently to fear. Many, and I would like to emphasize, MANY people freeze up in fear. How do you think it happens when girls get molested. An uncle or stranger or SOMEONE starts fondling them and they freak out by freezing up and staying very still, letting them do what they want. They later on start feeling that they had LET it happen to them because they didn’t do anything when IN FACT, that is just how they react to fear. Staying frozen and being confused as to what’s going on.

    This has happened NUMEROUS times in rape cases. Two people start making out, the other goes further and further thinking that her saying nothing gives the green light, and bam, he’s had unconsented sex with her. When asked he’d say, “Well yeah… She just laid there, but I thought she was just unexperience or that it was just boring sex.” When in fact, she was just frozen in fear and confusion. Sure, he didn’t know, but had he backed up for one second and asked for consent, AT LEAST he would’ve given her the opportunity to back out and say, “Well… maybe we shouldn’t.” Or “I don’t know how comfortable I am about doing this tonight.” Sure, it’s sugarcoating, but now you know that she’s not 100% about going that far. I’m sure most guys don’t wanna rape women, even unintentionally, so if that’s really the case, I would suggest to ask.

    It’s all hearsay if the woman is conniving and is trying to get money from you. But I am SURE that most rape cases are legit and that the woman isn’t lying about being raped. Mostly when she’s got bruises on her face and body, which many times is the case.

    In any case, I know where you’re coming from and I understand what you’re saying. Just thought I’d mention another perspective on the ad. ๐Ÿ™‚ You know how I am… Always throwing in my 2 cents.

  4. Jenn, I totally understand ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for giving another perspective on the whole issue. It’s true that there are cases like that. I guess the responsibility lies on both sides to make sure they’re both comfortable with every step they take in their relationship and to try and understand each other as much as possible.

    And your 2 cents are always welcome here anyday Jenn ๐Ÿ™‚

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