US to Open Alaskan Oil Well Drilling

Two days ago, members of the US Senate narrowly voted to support President Bush’s quick solution to the energy crisis, i.e. opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska to oil drilling.

ANWR covers 7.7 million hectares and is home to 45 types of land and marine mammals, including polar bears, muskoxen and pygmy shrews, as well as 160 species of migratory birds.

Estimates of how much oil the refuge holds vary widely. By most accounts, the area would take 10 years to develop and still meet only a small fraction of U.S. energy needs. Even oil companies have reportedly become skeptical about the refuge’s potential.

Its a shame to see how oil is destroying our planet.
Wars, destruction, extinction and the list goes on.
This has to stop!
We have to find a way to stop depending on oil and ruining the planet in the way.
Instead of spending all this money on wars and drilling all over the world, more should be invested in finding alternative clean energy sources.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

5 thoughts on “US to Open Alaskan Oil Well Drilling”

  1. Yes we must do and not just for the sake of saving our planet… imagine that oil suddenly vanished, how are we going to live? I am not talking about cars here I am more talking about electricity most of developing countries relies on oil and butane to generate electricity and very few countries in the worlds relies on other sources (nuclear, running water, tide) to generate it. So finding alternative clean energy sources is very crucial, but the question is even we do find it or could turn water into energy will it be the end of destroying our planet or the end of wars??

  2. Yes, I agree with you Sinan, we need to find alternative energy sources to solve a lot of problems of transport, electric power, heating, …etc.

    Of course, finding such sources won’t mean the end of destruction and wars, but at least, there’ll be less factors and reasons for both.

  3. Yes, when I heard this upsetting news I really got frustrated. Earth will run out of oil sooner or later, the solution is like you both suggested: alternate energy sources that are less harmful.
    But I guess they wont consider this until it’s too late!

  4. THere are over 4000 secret and spressed patents on free energy devices that the US Gov holds I have heard. Anyone that comes up with a device is stripped of the invention and threatened from the highest level. The oil cartels are very powerful and do not want anyone to encroach on their fortune even at the expense of the entire planet which is outrageous, of course, and a high crime to humanity, the universe and mother earth herself. They will rot in hell but want to take us and the earth with them. They have not found a way to make as much mioney from the inventions energy sources. Research “Project to Declassify Energy Patents” (and look up and understand the man theories of a man named Tesla on the side). It’s such a shame – I cry about this. But crying isn;t gettin gme or anyone else anywhere!

  5. I heard that there are over 4000 secret and supressed patents on free energy devices that the U S G o v holds. Anyone that comes up with a great energy device is stripped of the invention and threatened and in some cases killed. The oil cartels are very powerful and do not want anyone to encroach on their power or fortune – even at the expense of our entire planet which is outrageous, of course, and the highest of high crimes to humanity, the universe and mother earth herself. They will rot in the very hell they are creating but want to take us and the whole earth with them – greedy bastards. They have not found a way to make as much mioney from the inventions of these energy sources. Research and look up “Project to Declassify Energy Patents” (and look up and understand the man theories of a man named Tesla on the side). It’s such a shame – I cry about this. But crying isn’t getting me or anyone else anywhere! We need to join the push to declassify these patents and free the markets so TRUE free markets can emerge.

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