Hottest Things To Say To A Naked Woman (or Not)

Men’s Health posted an article about The 30 hottest things you can say to a naked woman, and defective yeti followed up with The 30 least hot follow-ups to the 30 hottest things you can say to a naked woman, lol.

My faves are the following:

– “Good morning Cheryl. I mean, um, Sharon.”
– “I’m ready to go again. Too much fiber, I guess.”
– “Damn, I’ve missed you. Hang on while I reload.”
– “I want to kiss/lick/touch every inch of you. Uh, I mean centimeter of you. I keep forgetting you are Canadian — thank god.”
– While looking at moonlight reflecting on the ceiling: “What do you see? I see Gene Hackman.”


Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

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