
As some of you might already know from my wife’s blog, this past weekend hasn’t been the best for me.

I’m sick…
My whole body is aching, I have a constant headache, you could fry an egg on my head, my throat hurts, my brain feels like it’s bouncing around painfully in my skull, I’m not seeing clearly, my back is killing me and a million other things.

I totally hate being sick!
It just sucks to feel how helpless us humans can be.
Just some damn little virus is enough to throw our lives completely off track and make us virtually useless.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

12 thoughts on “Sick…”

  1. سلام
    أتمنى أن تكون بأحسن حال الآن
    ابتسم فصديقتنا إيمان قلقة جدا عليك
    أتمنى لك السلامة والصحة

  2. Thank you so much Rayhane, you’re such a sweet guy πŸ™‚
    MMM,I hope you will recover soon my dearest, and this wont happen is you don’t get away from the laptop and GO TO BED πŸ˜› I can’t believe how addicted you are to the net!!!

  3. Here is a recipe for a panacea I once heard from an older Eastern European grandma: boil black pepper seeds with white wine and drink hot. It worked for my father’s stubborn cough πŸ˜€
    Othersie, “bon guerison”

  4. Here is a recipe for a panacea I once heard from an older Eastern European grandma: boil black pepper seeds with white wine and drink hot. It worked for my father’s stubborn cough πŸ˜€
    Otherwise, “bon guerison”

  5. Thank you all so much for your wishes πŸ™‚
    It’s so kind and sweet of you all πŸ™‚

    I’m feeling better, and am hoping that tomorrow I’ll be able to get back to my life and work, even if not at 100%.

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