10 Rules for driving in Tunisia

The 10 golden rules for driving in Tunisia ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. Get in the car and make sure you don’t fasten your seat belt. ( It’s considered a bad habit.)
  2. Try to avoid looking in your side mirrors or front mirror. Mirrors in cars are made only to check on your appearance.
  3. Before you start your engine, make sure a car is passing by, And then start driving.
  4. Do not warn the drivers behind you of your intentions to stop, just step on the brakes and stop as suddenly as you possibly can.
  5. Remember to cross the traffic light only when it’s about to become red.
  6. If by any chance you see a friend, just stop in the middle of the road and greet him/her.
  7. Never honor stop signs, they are only there for decorative purposes.
  8. If you need something from the supermarket, double park making sure that no car will be able to find its way out.
  9. A one-way street is an idea foreign to our culture, don’t ever go by it.
  10. If you hit a car, don’t stop, just leave, and forget Anything happened.

Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜›

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

10 thoughts on “10 Rules for driving in Tunisia”

  1. woooow….it is like u being in lebanon too. LOL in lebanon this is just a few rules LOL
    It’s cool and they say in lebanon as well it is a matter of surviving! LOL

  2. Uh yeah… I think you’ve successfully scared me enough to never be in Tunisia in a car, or even anywhere near the streets.

  3. LOL…
    happy you guys enjoyed it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ghada: So another thing Tunisia and Lebanon have in common ๐Ÿ™‚

    Roba: Driving in Jordan is like driving in a safe empty street compared to Tunisia ๐Ÿ˜›

    Jenn: Driving in Tunisia requires an intensive “crash course”, literally speaking, lol.

  4. Roba, my wife quit driving in Tunisia forever and i’m not allowed to even discuss the driving thing with her again!! ;)- … All what MMM mentioned is VERRRRY TRUE! :|!!!

  5. oooooooooooooooooooooo god this is such a turn off i was actually tring to look for real driveing rule lolololololol never the less

  6. I believe this is exageration at its highest. Ok, driving in some countries can be an adventure, just look at Americans driving in Place de L’Etoile in Paris, but man, your 10 rules are not true…..

  7. I believe this is exageration at its highest. Ok, driving in some countries can be an adventure, just look at Americans driving in Place de L’Etoile in Paris, but man, your 10 rules are not true…..

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