Massachusetts: Same-sex Marriages Allowed

Massachusetts becomes the first state in the U.S. to make it legal for same-sex couples to marry. It follows a highly controversial decision from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, striking down the heterosexuals-only restriction in the state’s marriage law.

At the stroke of midnight, thousands of people broke into cheers as city clerks in Cambridge issued the first marriage license applications to to gay and lesbian couples.

Several dozen couples lined up outside City Hall in the rain early Sunday to be called into a basement corridor to declare their intention to marry.

As I said before, no one and nothing will be able to hold Gay marriage back in the U.S., simply because if you start giving gay people the same rights as straight people, you have to go all the way and allow them all the rights.

Massachusetts is the first state to allow Gay marriage, but it won’t be the last. The rest of the U.S. will surely follow.

This is just another one of those low points in Human history.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

28 thoughts on “Massachusetts: Same-sex Marriages Allowed”

  1. I understand your point when you said:”if you start giving gay people the same rights as straight people, you have to go all the way and allow them all the rights”.But I can’t help it, I’m totally against same-sex marriage,it’s really pathetic and crazy.

  2. I can understand how it may seem insane through religious and/or conservative eyes, but marriage is not only about religion – it is also about rights. It’s one thing if marriage was strictly performed through religion, therefore it can easily be prohibited for gay couple by the religious institution. But the fact is, marriage is also state regulated. And because of that, you have to be fair and tolerant to those whose lifestyles are different than the social norms. This whole controversy isn’t only about the sanctity of marriage. The state also gives special rights to married couples and so by banning gay marriages, you’re also infringes on many gay peoples’ rights. No one’s demanding churches to marry gay couples. It’s more of asking the government to see a gay couple as an equal to a straight couple.

  3. Hi Jenn,
    I understand your point, but I didn’t say marriage should be looked at from a religious eye, and it has never been only about religion, a proof is the marriage of non-believers and those who don’t follow a certain religion. But when it comes to me personally I am not only against gay marriage, but against the existence of gays. That might sound a bit hard and offensive to others, but this is my personal opinion. I never believed in gays, and never will, because of so many reasons that a comment simply wont be the place to discuss. Anyway, whether I like it or not, they’re getting their rights, but that doesn’t change my opinion.

  4. Yeah… Your and your husband’s opinion on this has been quite clear from past comments and I totally respect them. When I said “you” in my comment, I didn’t mean you personally. It was more of a general “you”.

    But yeah… I know where you two stand on it. It’s just one of those typical, “agree that we disagree” type of things.

  5. Well, I personally think that the existance of Gay people is a fact, and something that will always be.
    Gay people have been around for ages and ages, and they’ll always be around. They won’t dissapear and I’m not suggesting we kill them, burn them or whatever.

    What I’m against is recognizing them as normal and giving them certain rights they shouldn’t have.

  6. Guys, I am not saying the existence of gays is not a fact, I’m saying it’s a fact that I personally don’t like and don’t believe in as “right”, just like prostitution has been around for ages and is a fact that we live with till this very day, but still I don’t believe it’s right. That’s what I’m trying to say.

  7. Ok..i respect the fact that YOU personally don’t aprove that gay’s should not have rights. Thats fine, but despite what you believe they are still living, breathing humans and as such deserve the same rights. Even if you don’t agree with their lifestyle. Doesn’t matter. they think therefore they are. They pay the same taxes, they should have the same rights. besides, I haven’t heard a single sane logical rational argument against gays. I am lucky to know my best friend. he is a treasure among humans. always there for me even in my darkest moments and it hurts me sooo much to know he is not allowed the same security that mariage allows with his partner(another great human im priveleged to know) as I can have when i marry my boyfriend. Gay people are not a thing they are not dogs. They are human and have the same feelings and go through the same ups and downs as anyone.

  8. Hey Alexa,
    I’m posting a personal opinion, cool down. Each has their own point of view, it’s not like I’m trying to get people convinced of my opinion or something.

  9. Hi Alexa,

    Of course they are humans, and they should be treated as such.
    I’m not arguing that they do not deserve the basic human rights.

    What I’m saying is that, the fact that they’re gay just shouldn’t be regarded as normal or natural, because it’s not.

  10. Ok, Im sorry if I came off bitchy. I didn’t mean to, its just when it hits home it can feel kinda touchy. Whether two people of the same sex loving each other is “normal” or not is very debateable and obviously both sides feel very strongly about the subject. But still a lot of people though to people of different races mating was unatural as well. A black person and a white person marring was even against the law. And a lot of people still strongly feel its “unnatural”. I personaly belive what is natural or not ect,,, are human constucts, mindsets constructed by humans, and as such can be deconstructed, like the legality of interracial marriage. it still bothers a lot of people(including my dad, who is kinda racist although he doesnt admit it…..god forbid I marry a black man!but thats just his mindset)
    but that doesnt mean people who are in these
    relationships should recieve less rights because it pisses some people off. Like I said, if you pay the same taxes, you should recieve the same rights, just like everyone else.

  11. Besides, wether or not its natural should not be an issue. A lot of things are not normal or natural….doesn’t mean its evil. Alternate forms of conception for instance, for people who can’t concieve naturally. Hell…the cars we use mess up the environment, unnatural as hell, but not illegal. Gay people who wish to marry wish to make a comitment to someone they care about. They are gonna be together anyway. Maybe people are surprised because they don’t fit the stereotype. That not every gay person are out to f**** everything that moves. In fact, if you check recent tallies, the number of gay people getting AIDS is declining but the number of people who are into staight sex is rising(another blow to the stereotype) People just hate or fear things they don’t understand or don’t fit into their categorization of the world or other people or are against what they have been taught by others. It is difficult for some people to respond well to “different” or “abnormal” things in their environment. This may sound cheesy but if everyone followed the same set of safe acceptable rules or categorizations withought someone to challenge them, it would be a sad boring world…If no one questioned slavery it would still be here to this day. Black people used to be thought of dogs, mere animals, and baby, in that time feeling that way was “natural”. I dont believe in equalizing african-americans fight with gay rights because I think black people had it tougher, but there have been plenty of gay-bashing, gay insulting, ridiculing ect..plenty of gays have bled as well in their fight to be equal. A lot of people mistake the fact that they want special treatment but nothing further from the truth. They don’t want special treatment or more rights…they just want to be legaly treated like everyone else, to discriminate and deny rights because of what they do in the bedroom….now that sees unnatural to me. And unamerican.

  12. i was searching for info about gay topic to deepen my study & came across this discussion. i’m a doctor, have a lot of gay and straight ppl coming to me,what was mentioned about AIDS is unfortunately incorrect & is a topic of research now.AIDS of straight sex is rising only in poor countries due to other reasons mostly concerning hygiene. AIDS occurrence because of gay intercourse is higher,not to mention other diseases they suffer from. i’m not against gays as human beings but from what i see in my job as a doctor &what they say to me i think it’s not right.anyway as a normal person & away of being a doctor comparing gays to prostitution is reasonable,away of being natural or not, both r old in occurance & both were illegal.yet many r against prostitution for example even when it became legal, they think it’s not normal and against social norms,so in the end of the day it’s a matter of principles, beliefs&surrounding that make a person pro or against issues as prostitution &gays.we should respect freedom of expression &learn more about a topic for our own knowledge &wellbeing.

  13. I think comparing same-sex couples to prostitution is ridiculous, imature and irresponsable as well as illogical. Does not make any sense. A prostitute sells sex. Same sex couples are just that, Couples of the same sex. Yes there are promiscuos gays. And there are promiscuos straight people. Or have’nt you noticed? Straight intercoarse is kinda high as well sir, and I don’t know where you heard that AIDS among straight people is not on the rise. Straight people get STD’s too you know. Gayness doesn’t cause AIDS, a virus that knows no discrimination causes AIDS. Straight people also die of STD’s. Anyway, I’m discussing same-sex people who are in commited relationships who wish to be married. And don’t give me crap that gay’s cheat on each other because I know about plenty of straight people who also cheat. Commitment or betrayal also knows no discrimination.
    Oh… like I said….social norms are constructed by humans and thus so can be deconstructed.
    Interracial relationships, hell, segragation in schools, racism….they where the social norms. The fact that women where not allowed to vote was also a social norm. Isn’t what we are trying to do in Irak a total deconstruccion of their social norms, Democracy is a mayor change.

  14. But I do agree with you that you and all of us have a total freedom of expression and I respect it deeply. I also agree we all should be open to more education, but to learn we must keep an open mind and always good will towards each other.

  15. actually alexa i don’t think what u wrote of comparing samesex marriage to prostitution being rediculous,illogical& irresponsible goes along with respecting freedom of expression.anyway, maybe u r the doctor working on sexual disease & not me so we have to follow your statistics.but i must wonder who said anything about gays cheating?! anyway again seems like u have the right to use whatever comparisons &reasons when others should either agree with whatever u say or get a never ending attack from u. thought u were in for a discussion with other opinions, that’s what blogs are made for:sharing. as for MMM of this blog,u’re doing a great job, nice blog, will be visiting more often whenever i have the time.

  16. Thank you Daniel, I’m flattered ๐Ÿ™‚

    Looking forward to seeing you more often here ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Just wondering, how many gay people have you met? Do you have any gay friends?

    It’s possible to talk about these things in a very abstract way, use logical arguments, and feel very justified in your beliefs

    – but once you have friends who are gay, or even just an acquaintance who treats you in a very decent way, you will wonder how you could have thought such stupid things!

  18. daniel
    Ok, then Ill make this disclaimer. Everything I say is just my perspective on things. My take on your comparisson is my opinion only and just because I disagree with you doesn’t make me against freedom of expression. the gay cheating thing is just another argument i have heard before recently so I brought it up, maybe not in the best way possible. Don’t take this too personal. Its nothing against you. By the way my eldest brother is also a doctor , a surgeon for the Emergency room in a nearby hospital. that does not make him god or All Knowing, he himself admits it, but he was the one that told me the rise in straight sex STD’s. But anyway, It does’nt matter. And I never said you had to agree with me. lets just end this peacefull, because obviously we will never agree on the subject. My opinion just comes down to simply this: gays should be allowed the right to marry. Why, because I believe that as fellow tax paying american consumers living in our capitalist land of the free, they should be afforded the same rights. As t twoconsenting adults they should be allowed same rights. Thats it. You can agree or not. If you like just ,number the reasons that leagally people of the same sex in a long standing relationship shouldn’t be allowded to marry. reasons that don’t have to do with personal religous beliefs. I promise I will listen with care and try to keep an open mind. without personal attacks. ok…
    God bless you…and I mean it.
    mmm, I also agree with Daniel, this is one of the best and most organized sites I’ve seen
    thank you for a great job.

  19. Since everyone is complimenting you on your site, I might as well join the bandwagon. But you probably already know I dig your site. I comment on here enough. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Also, I really respect most (definitely not all) of the people on here too. I like being able to share ideas and not be attacked for disagreeing. I’ve learned so much from your site.

  20. Well, thanks a bunch to you all ๐Ÿ™‚ I really appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m happy to know that you like the site ๐Ÿ™‚

    I too am very happy to have you guys here and to hear (read) your opinions.

    I have learned a lot from you guys as well.

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Apologies if my comment above implied that I was accusing anyone of being stupid – I was referring to my own poor ideas from before I had enough experience to make a proper judgement.

  22. gays are cool and some are sweet dont hate them they cant help it dont treat them wrong america is suppose to be a free country and we are all suppose to be treated right

  23. Homosexuality is described in the Book of Romans in the Bible. It states that homosexuality is a sin and God’s Word states that it an abomination unto God. What is an abomination? It is something that is utterly loathsome. Some one has said ‘It is something that makes you want to throw up’

  24. Im a lesbian .. i’ve been a lesbian for almost 4 years now . every body hates me and i hate them too but u got to live the way life is thats all.!

  25. I am 15 years old, and recently realized that I am gay. You have no idea how hard it is when you are nice to everyone, but people say that you are evil and going to hell

  26. Mitch, I commend you for being true to yourself despite the fact that many people in this world will have difficulty accepting you as who you truly are. If you must remember one thing, remember this:

    You can’t please everyone.

    It is a fact in everyday situations. Once you accept that, you’ll be much happier. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You only live one life, don’t waste it being dishonest to yourself and living a life that is “normal” to everyone else. Be happy and true, that’s all I wish for you.

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